Lufthansa Launches First Ever Aviation Blockchain Challenge - Classified Ad

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Join- Launches First Ever Aviation Blockchain Challenge - Classified Ad: Join- more Bitcoin Crypto Currency news Latest Update Crypto Currency Training Auto Trading Crypto BOT & Crypto Trading Signals join above given telegram channelA Dynamic Auto Crypto Bot which trades on Signals automatically without manual intervention. announcement made on July 20 from Lufthansa’s Innovation Hub has indicated that the company plan to launch the worlds first ever Aviation Blockchain Challenge.Over the past few years, we’ve seen blockchain technology slowly take hold in virtually all mainstream industries, and Lufthansa is aiming to apply the benefits and potential of the technology to the aviation industry.Attracting the worlds blockchain entrepreneurs
Partnering up with SAP.iO Foundry, a company that specializes in machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, the official blog post that presents the Aviation Blockchain Challenge says –“We want to attract the world’s most talented Blockchain entrepreneurs by providing the perfect environment to ideate and experiment with new business models. The combination of Lufthansa’s innovation ecosystem and extensive industry expertise along wit


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